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Stroke Order Diagram for おおむね

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adverb, noun

Alternate Written Forms:


Root Words:

oo + mune

English Meaning(s) for おおむね

  1. in general; generally; mostly; roughly; largely; mainly; on the whole; by and large
  1. gist; point; main idea

Definition and Synonyms for おおむね

Outline a schematic or preliminary plan
Synonyms: ほぼ, あらすじ, あらまし, おおむね, おおよそ, たいてい, だいたい, シェーマ, スキーマ, スキーム, レジュメ, アウトライン, 一通り, , 図式, 図表, 図解, 大意, 大概, 大略, 大筋, 大要, 提要, 摘要, 梗概, 概略, 概要, 概説, 概論, 模式図, , 略叙, 略図, 略筆, 略記, 略説, 略述, 筋書き, 素描, 素書き, 綱領, 総説, 総論, 要図, 要旨, 要略, 要約, 要綱, 要覧, 要説, 輪郭
Summary a brief statement that presents the main points in a concise form
Synonyms: ほぼ, およそ, まとめ, サマリ, あらまし, おおむね, おおよそ, たいてい, まとめる, レジュメ, 一つ書き, , 大意, 大概, 大筋, 大要, 提要, 摘要, 摘記, 摘録, 撮要, 梗概, 概括, 概略, 概要, 概観, 概説, 概論, 汎論, , 略書, 略言, 略説, 約言, 綱領, 総括, 総説, , 要旨, 要略, 要約, 要綱, 要覧, 要説
Outline a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory
Synonyms: およそ, サマリ, あらすじ, あらまし, おおむね, おおよそ, たいてい, だいたい, レジュメ, シノプシス, アウトライン, アブストラクト, 一通り, , 大意, 大概, 大略, 大筋, 大綱, 大綱, 大要, 提要, 摘要, 撮要, 梗概, 概括, 概略, 概要, 概観, 概説, 概論, 略叙, 略筆, 略説, 略述, 筋書き, 綱目, 綱要, 綱領, 総括, 総説, 総論, 要旨, 要略, 要約, 要綱, 要義, 要覧, 要説, 要領, 趣旨, 骨組み
Effect the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
Synonyms: おおむね, さいころ, 主意, 大意, 大要, 要旨, 要点, 要義, 要項, 要領, 趣旨, 骨子, 骨髄

Categories おおむね is a member of

Program a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished
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Summary a brief statement that presents the main points in a concise form
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Statement a message that is stated or declared
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Import the message that is intended or expressed or signified
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Stroke Order Diagrams for おおむね

Sample Sentences for おおむね

What you said was in the main right.
On the whole, the event was successful.
He had a great deal to do with the scandal.
Solar energy seems to offer more hope than any other source of energy, particularly because those areas most in need of water lie rather close to the equator and have a relatively clear atmosphere.

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