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Stroke Order Diagram for 近い

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i adjective

English Meaning(s) for 近い

i adjective
  1. near; close; short (distance)
  2. close (in time); soon
  3. close (relationship); friendly; intimate
  4. closely related
  5. similar; almost the same; close to; nearly

Definition and Synonyms for 近い

Closeness the spatial property resulting from a relatively small distance
Synonyms: 手近, 接近, 近い, 近所, 近接, 近辺, 間近, 間近い
Nearby close at hand
Synonyms: 手近, 程近い, 身近, 身近い, 近い
Close at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other
Synonyms: 近い, 間近, 間近い
Proximate very close in space or time
Synonyms: 近い, 間近, 間近い
Close close in relevance or relationship
Synonyms: 近い
Dear with or in a close or intimate relationship
Synonyms: 親しい, 親密, 近い, 近しい
Intimate marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity
Synonyms: 近い
Familiar well known or easily recognized
Synonyms: 人懐かしい, 別懇, 心安い, 懇意, 気安い, 知る, 知られる, 親しい, 親密, 親しみ深い, 身近, 身近い, 近い, 近しい
Like resembling or similar
Synonyms: 同じる, 同ずる, 同じよう, 同様, 近い, 類同
Nigh not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances
Synonyms: 密接, 手近, 緊密, 身近, 身近い, 近い, 間近い
Like having the same or similar characteristics
Synonyms: 共通, 同じ, 同じる, 同ずる, 同じよう, 同様, 同然, 等しい, 近い, 類同
Near closely resembling the genuine article
Synonyms: 近い
Ill-Considered not given careful consideration
Synonyms: 近い
Close strictly confined or guarded
Synonyms: 近い
Similar marked by correspondence or resemblance
Synonyms: 同じる, 同ずる, 同じよう, 同様, 近い, 類同
Akin similar in quality or character
Synonyms: 近い, 類同
Soon in the near future
Synonyms: すぐ, どれ, もう, いずれ, やがて, そのうち, そろそろ, ただいま, ほどなく, まもなく, もうすぐ, いくばくもない, いくばくもなく, 不日, 今に, 今や, 今にも, 只今, 日ならず, 近々, 近い, 近く, 近いうちに, 追っかけ, 追っつく, 追っかける, 追っ付け, 遠からず, 間もない
Neighbourhood a surrounding or nearby region
Synonyms: そば, あたり, ほとり, かたがた, かたわら, 付近, , , 側辺, 周り, 周囲, 周辺, 四囲, 四辺, 界隈, , , その辺, 辺り, 近い, 近く, 近傍, 近所, 近辺, 近間, 近隣, 間近, 間近い
Closely in a close relation or position in time or space
Synonyms: ぎっしり, ぴたっと, ぴちっと, ぴったり, ぴっちり, 近い, 近く
Closely in a close manner
Synonyms: ひた, , , , , , , , 親密, 近い, 近く
Like having the same or some of the same characteristics
Synonyms: 同じる, 同ずる, 同じよう, 同様, 近い, 類同

Meanings for each kanji in 近い

» near; early; akin; tantamount

Categories 近い is a member of

Section a distinct region or subdivision of a territorial or political area or community or group of people
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Distance the property created by the space between two objects or points
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 近い

Conjugations for 近い

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

Sample Sentences for 近い

I am terribly busy because the report deadline is near.
He shall have a holiday one of these days.
The total is approximately ten thousand dollars.
His description approximated to the truth.
Come and visit us in Paris sometime soon.

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