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Stroke Order Diagram for 手直し

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noun, suru verb

English Meaning(s) for 手直し

noun, suru verb
  1. adjustment; tweaking; improvement; modification; tinkering; minor alteration; correction

Definition and Synonyms for 手直し

Alteration the act of revising or altering (involving reconsideration and modification)
Synonyms: リビジョン, モディフィケーション, 修正, 修訂, 加筆, 変更, 変造, 手直し, 改案, 改版, 改編, 改訂, 改訳, 斧正, 是正, 更正, 更訂, 治す, 添削, 直し, 訂正
Revise make revisions in
Synonyms: 修正, 加筆, 変える, 変ずる, 変改, 手を加える, 手直し, 改む, 改める, 改定, 改正, 改版, 改編, 改訂, 更訂, 校合, 校閲, 治す, 補正, 訂する, 訂正
Adjustment the act of adjusting something to match a standard
Synonyms: 修整, 再調整, 加減, 手直し, 整合, 整理, 整頓, 調整, 調節
Readjustment the act of adjusting again (to changed circumstances)
Synonyms: 再調整, 手直し
Adjustment the act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment)
Synonyms: モディフィケーション, 修整, 修正, 変形, 変更, 変造, 手直し, 換える, 改め, 改める, 改変, 改定, 改正, 替え, 治す, 直し, 調整
Modify cause to change
Synonyms: スイッチ, チェンジ, 付け替える, 修整, 修正, 入れ替える, 切り替える, 刷新, 動かす, 変える, 変化, 変化, 変形, 変換, 変更, 変造, 変革, 崩す, 手直し, 換える, 改む, 改める, 改変, 改定, 改易, 改正, 改築, 改造, すげ替える, 模様替え, 治す, 置き換える, 違う, 違う, 違える, 違える
Rectification the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake
Synonyms: かいぜん, 修正, 修繕, 修訂, 加筆, 匡正, 手直し, 改正, 斧正, 是正, 是正措置, 更正, 更訂, 校閲, 治す, 添削, 直し, 直し物, 矯正, 補正, 規正, 訂正
Rectification setting right
Synonyms: かいぜん, 修正, 修繕, 修訂, 加筆, 匡正, 手直し, 改正, 斧正, 是正, 是正措置, 更正, 更訂, 校閲, 治す, 添削, 直し, 直し物, 矯正, 補正, 規正, 訂正
Modify make different
Synonyms: スイッチ, チェンジ, 付け替える, 修整, 修正, 入れ替える, 切り替える, 刷新, 動かす, 変える, 変化, 変化, 変形, 変換, 変更, 変造, 変革, 崩す, 手直し, 換える, 改む, 改める, 改変, 改定, 改易, 改正, 改築, 改造, すげ替える, 模様替え, 治す, 置き換える, 違う, 違う, 違える, 違える
Modify cause a transformation
Synonyms: スイッチ, チェンジ, 付け替える, 修整, 修正, 入れ替える, 切り替える, 刷新, 動かす, 変える, 変化, 変化, 変形, 変換, 変更, 変造, 変革, 崩す, 手直し, 換える, 改む, 改める, 改変, 改定, 改易, 改正, 改築, 改造, すげ替える, 模様替え, 治す, 置き換える, 違う, 違う, 違える, 違える

Meanings for each kanji in 手直し

» hand
» straightaway; honesty; frankness; fix; repair

Categories 手直し is a member of

Change the action of changing something
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Improvement the act of improving something
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Transformation the act of changing in form or shape or appearance
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Rewrite write differently
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Calibration the act of checking or adjusting (by comparison with a standard) the accuracy of a measuring instrument
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Adjustment making or becoming suitable
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 手直し

Sample Sentences for 手直し

We have made numerous improvements to our house since we bought it.
The author revised his manuscript over and over again.
The existing law concerning car accidents requires amending.

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