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Stroke Order Diagram for 大概

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adverb, no adjective, noun

English Meaning(s) for 大概

  1. generally; mainly; usually; normally; mostly; for the most part
no adjective, adverb, noun
  1. nearly all; almost all; most
  1. gist; summary; outline; main idea
noun, no adjective, adverb
  1. staying within bounds; not overdoing (something); not getting carried away; not going too far; being moderate
  1. probably; perhaps; in all likelihood
  2. considerably; greatly; really

Definition and Synonyms for 大概

Majority the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts
Synonyms: たいてい, ほとほと, ほとんど, 主流, 多党, 多数, 多数派, 大半, 大多数, 大方, 大概, 大部, 大部分, 過半, 過半数
Outline a schematic or preliminary plan
Synonyms: ほぼ, あらすじ, あらまし, おおむね, おおよそ, たいてい, だいたい, シェーマ, スキーマ, スキーム, レジュメ, アウトライン, 一通り, , 図式, 図表, 図解, 大意, 大概, 大略, 大筋, 大要, 提要, 摘要, 梗概, 概略, 概要, 概説, 概論, 模式図, , 略叙, 略図, 略筆, 略記, 略説, 略述, 筋書き, 素描, 素書き, 綱領, 総説, 総論, 要図, 要旨, 要略, 要約, 要綱, 要覧, 要説, 輪郭
Summary a brief statement that presents the main points in a concise form
Synonyms: ほぼ, およそ, まとめ, サマリ, あらまし, おおむね, おおよそ, たいてい, まとめる, レジュメ, 一つ書き, , 大意, 大概, 大筋, 大要, 提要, 摘要, 摘記, 摘録, 撮要, 梗概, 概括, 概略, 概要, 概観, 概説, 概論, 汎論, , 略書, 略言, 略説, 約言, 綱領, 総括, 総説, , 要旨, 要略, 要約, 要綱, 要覧, 要説
Outline a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory
Synonyms: およそ, サマリ, あらすじ, あらまし, おおむね, おおよそ, たいてい, だいたい, レジュメ, シノプシス, アウトライン, アブストラクト, 一通り, , 大意, 大概, 大略, 大筋, 大綱, 大綱, 大要, 提要, 摘要, 撮要, 梗概, 概括, 概略, 概要, 概観, 概説, 概論, 略叙, 略筆, 略説, 略述, 筋書き, 綱目, 綱要, 綱領, 総括, 総説, 総論, 要旨, 要略, 要約, 要綱, 要義, 要覧, 要説, 要領, 趣旨, 骨組み
Majority the main part
Synonyms: たいてい, ほとほと, ほとんど, 主流, 多党, 多数, 多数派, 大半, 大多数, 大方, 大概, 大部, 大部分, 過半, 過半数

Meanings for each kanji in 大概

» large; big
» outline; condition; approximation; generally

Categories 大概 is a member of

Number the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals
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Program a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished
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Summary a brief statement that presents the main points in a concise form
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Statement a message that is stated or declared
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 大概

Sample Sentences for 大概

He is generally at home in the evening.
In most cases, his answers are right.
Tom isn't your average guy. He doesn't like things most guys like and he doesn't like to do things most men enjoy doing.
Coffee finishes most dinners.
It's all right to drink, but drink in moderation.

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