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Stroke Order Diagram for 動

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English Meaning(s) for 動

  1. motion

Definition and Synonyms for 動

Motion the act of changing location from one place to another
Synonyms: うつる, , 動き, 動く, 変位, 移り, 移動, 移転, 転移
Change a thing that is different
Synonyms: チェンジ, 乗り換え, 乗り換える, , 変わり, 変わる, 変動, 変化, 変化, 変換, 変更, 変わり目, 変移, 変遷, 換える, 替え, 異動, 異状, 転変, 転換, お返し
Change a difference that is usually pleasant
Synonyms: チェンジ, 乗り換え, 乗り換える, , 変わり, 変わる, 変動, 変化, 変化, 変換, 変更, 変わり目, 変移, 変遷, 多様性, 換える, 替え, 異動, 異状, 転変, 転換, お返し, お釣り
Confusion a feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused
Synonyms: めちゃ, ゴタゴタ, 乱脈, 乱雑, , 取り込み, 取り込む, 困惑, 当惑, 混乱, 混同, 混沌, 混迷, 無秩序, 狂い, 狂う, 狼狽, 狼藉, 猥雑, 紛糾, 雑駁
Motion a state of change
Synonyms: , 動き, 動く, 提言, 運動

Meanings for each kanji in 動

» move; motion; change; confusion; shift; shake

Categories 動 is a member of

State the way something is with respect to its main attributes
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Change the action of changing something
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Thing an entity that is not named specifically
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Difference the quality of being unlike or dissimilar
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Embarrassment the shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 動

Sample Sentences for 動

"Hey, what happened in the final episode of 'Tom and Mary'?" "They broke up, in the end. It was really bittersweet." "Oh my! And after being so deeply in love!"
We went for a scenic drive as far as Lake Superior.

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