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Stroke Order Diagram for 英明

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na adjective, noun

English Meaning(s) for 英明

na adjective, noun
  1. intelligent; wise; bright; brilliant; clear-sighted

Definition and Synonyms for 英明

Smart showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness
Synonyms: さとい, 利口, 怜悧, 明敏, 穎悟, 英明, 賢い, 賢しい, 賢明
Sharp marked by practical hardheaded intelligence
Synonyms: さとい, シャープ, 俊敏, 利口, 小賢しい, 慧敏, 抜け目ない, , 犀利, 穎敏, 聡明, 英明, 賢い, 鋭い, 鋭利, 鋭敏
Perspicacious mentally acute or penetratingly discerning
Synonyms: 英明
Intelligent having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree
Synonyms: インテリジェント, 利口, 利根, 利発, 怜悧, 明敏, 明達, 穎悟, 聡明, 英明, 賢い, 賢しい, 賢明
Discriminating having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions
Synonyms: さとい, シャープ, , 明敏, 犀利, 穎敏, 聡明, 英明, 鋭い, 鋭利, 鋭敏
Soundness the quality of being prudent and sensible
Synonyms: かしこ, 俐発, 利口, 利発, 堅実, 大賢, 明哲, 明達, 聡明, 英明, , 賢い
Sapience ability to apply knowledge or experience or understanding or common sense and insight
Synonyms: かしこ, 俐発, 分かち, 分かつ, 分別, 分別, 利口, 大賢, 悟性, 才力, 才気, 明哲, 明達, , 知力, 知恵, 知識, 聡明, 般若, 英明, 英知, , 賢い, 賢慮

Meanings for each kanji in 英明

» England; English
» bright; light

Categories 英明 is a member of

Goodness that which is pleasing or valuable or useful
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Know-How the (technical) knowledge and skill required to do something
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 英明

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