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Stroke Order Diagram for チャンピオン

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English Meaning(s) for チャンピオン

  1. champion

Definition and Synonyms for チャンピオン

Ace someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
Synonyms: エース, スター, ウィザード, エトワール, チャンピオン, ナンバーワン, スーパースター, 優者, 光一, 千両役者, 名人, 国手, 大家, 大家, 大家, 大立者, 妙手, 巨匠, 明星, 流行っ子, 王者, 立役者, 立者, 花形, 達人, 達者
Title-Holder someone who has won first place in a competition
Synonyms: チャンピオン, 名人, 王者, 覇者

Categories チャンピオン is a member of

Expert a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully
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Challenger the contestant you hope to defeat
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Stroke Order Diagrams for チャンピオン

Sample Sentences for チャンピオン

He was the champion for three years.
The champion was welcomed by large crowds.
If you defeat the world champion, you can receive prize money.
The champion had the challengers at his mercy.
He will fight the heavyweight champion tomorrow.

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