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I couldn't think of a better place, so I will ask here, (Lessons Question)

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I couldn't think of a better place, so I will ask here, (Lessons Question)

Member Since
4 Apr, 2014
North Carolina, US
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So, on the lessons main page,  ,  for the third set [sa,shi,su,se,so], for the character [sa], it shows one full, connected character, but in the follow-up page,  ,  it shows the character [sa] as two[2] seperate pieces, can anyone help me with this?  It would be greatly appreciated.

#1 Posted by Torbin12 over 10 years ago
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15 May, 2014
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What do you mean with full connected?

#2 Posted by Eduardo over 10 years ago
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21 Feb, 2014
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You will see these kind of things regularly.

The "full" character is the way it is printed. Most printers use that one, so you will find it in books and on websites.
The one that is not fully connected is the one you see in handwritings.

You can think of it as that some characters are 'simplified' for printing. Also a lot of kanji differ in printed and written form (mostly just a detail). After a while, you will not notice the difference anymore.

Hope this answered your question.


#3 Posted by Lord Aide over 10 years ago
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30 Oct, 2013
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Torbin12 wrote on Thursday the 15th of May 2014 at 9:30 PM

So, on the lessons main page,  ,  for the third set [sa,shi,su,se,so], for the character [sa], it shows one full, connected character, but in the follow-up page,  ,  it shows the character [sa] as two[2] seperate pieces, can anyone help me with this?  It would be greatly appreciated.

u can use both of them :)

hello mina =))

help me to learn japanese k k >,<

#4 Posted by damnsakura over 9 years ago
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30 Aug, 2016
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Torbin12 wrote on Thursday the 15th of May 2014 at 10:30 AMTorbin12 wrote on Thursday the 15th of May 2014 at 10:30 AM

So, on the lessons main page,  ,  for the third set [sa,shi,su,se,so], for the character [sa], it shows one full, connected character, but in the follow-up page,  ,  it shows the character [sa] as two[2] seperate pieces, can anyone help me with this?  It would be greatly appreciated.

There is a written form, and a printed form. When you write the character sa, it is two separate pieces, but when it is typed or printed, it is one piece.



#5 Posted by Unonumiss376 over 7 years ago
Member Since
26 Apr, 2017
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but the printed symbol is pretty clever, often when i handwrite the normal sa it turned out to look exactly like the printed version.

So actually no harm done writting both i believe.

#6 Posted by youstolemylife over 7 years ago
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10 Aug, 2020
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It’s pretty cool to see that there are some changes that have been done with this because there are just some connections that were made. I know that there are people who will be able to take a look at this which is interesting. I hope that it can be fixed so that there are some lessons that can help.

31 years old from USA. New when it comes to Japanese Culture.

#7 Posted by Marlon Johansson over 2 years ago

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