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Learn Japanese with Anime - One Day, Morning Will Come (Suzume no Tojimari)

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Learn Japanese with Anime - One Day, Morning Will Come (Suzume no Tojimari)

In this video, we're going to analyse Suzume’s quote from Suzume no Tojimari (すずめの戸締まり, Suzume's Locking Up).

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(いま) (noun) means “now”.

は (particle) marks the topic and can also indicate contrast. In this case, it contrasts the present with the future.

真っ is the prefix adding intensity to the following word (くら)(やみ) (noun) meaning “darkness”, so ()()(くら)(やみ) means “complete darkness” or “total darkness”.

に (particle) (おも)()() (verb) means “it seems like”, so ()()(くら)(やみ)(おも)()() means “it seems like total darkness”.

()()()()()() means “might” or “may”, expressing possibility or uncertainty.

()()() (conjunction) is a more formal version of ()() meaning “but”.

So, (いま)()()(くら)(やみ)(おも)()()かもしれないけれど means “Right now, it might seem like total darkness, but…”


()()() (adverb) means “one day” or “someday”. The particle は can be added, as in いつかは, to emphasise the contrast with (いま).

(かなら)() (adverb) means “certainly” or “definitely”.

(あさ)(noun) means “morning”.

が (particle) marks the subject of the verb.

()()(verb) means “to come” or “will come”.

So, いつか(かなら)()(あさ)()() means “one day, morning will certainly come”.

So today’s quote (いま)()()(くら)(やみ)(おも)()()かもしれないけれど、いつか(かなら)()(あさ)()() means “Right now, it might seem like total darkness, but one day, morning will certainly come”. In the movie, this is paraphrased as, “The night might seem endless right now, but one day, morning will come”.

Review1: 〜に(おも)()()

Noun or な-Adjective に(おも)()() means “it seems like”.

You may already be familiar with だと(おも)(), which means “to think that”.

They both express a mental process, and ()()(くら)(やみ)だと(おも)() and ()()(くら)(やみ)(おも)()() could both work, but there is a subtle difference in nuance.

()()(くら)(やみ)だと(おも)() means “you think it’s total darkness” indicating that she’s actively forming an opinion that “it’s total darkness”, which is an intentional action. On the other hand, ()()(くら)(やみ)(おも)()() means “it seems like total darkness” indicating that she perceives the impression of ‘total darkness’ naturally, without any intentional thought. So, ()()(くら)(やみ)(おも)()() fits better in this context, as she’s focusing on her natural perception rather than her intentional thoughts. This choice reflects more empathy and understanding.

Review2: (かなら)()

(かなら)() (adverb) means “certainly” or “definitely”, expressing strong certainty.

There are words like (ぜっ)(たい) and ()()(), which also convey strong certainty, but these three words are used in different contexts.

(かなら)() refers to something that will definitely happen in affirmative sentences. It’s commonly used in formal or objective contexts, based on rules or facts. It can be translated as “certainly”, “definitely”, or“without fail”.

(ぜっ)(たい) can be used in both affirmative and negative sentences. It’s often used in casual situations and strongly conveys the speaker’s subjective feelings, based on a strong belief. It can be translated as “absolutely” or “without a doubt.”

()()() can also be used in both affirmative and negative sentences. It’s also used in casual situations and conveys the speaker’s subjective feelings, but with less emphasis than (ぜっ)(たい), as it’s based on speculation or assumption. It can be translated as “surely” or “most likely”.

For this quote, all the words could work, but in this scene, she’s talking to her younger self, and since she already knows her definite future, she can tell her what is going to happen with strong certainty, as if it’s fated. Therefore, (かなら)(), which is used in fact-based situations, is the most fitting word for this context.


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Suzume’s Quote

The night might seem endless right now but one day, morning will come.


Noun +(のよう/であるよう)に思える

When I think about the universe, I feel like a very tiny existence.

な-Adjective +(なよう/であるよう)に思える

His story seems a bit unnatural.

い-Adjective + ように + 思える/い-Adjective (replace い with く) + 思える

Japanese grammar seems difficult.

Verb Plain-Form + ように + 思える

This plan seemed like it would work out.


Difference Between 思う, 思える, and 思われる

  Meaning Tone Usage
(おも)() To think Casual, subjective Used to express personal opinions or beliefs
(おも)()() It seems Formal, subjective Used to express how something seems or feels from the speaker’s perspective, often conveying a personal, intuitive or spontaneous impression
(おも)()()() It can be concluded Formal, objective Used to express conclusions or inferences based on external evidence, logical reasoning, or analysis, often sounding more impersonal



思える is more commonly used as 思える or ように思える, rather than と思える. Also, the particles には is used to express the perspective.

To me, it seems like he did it.

While 思える is grammatically the potential form of the verb 思う, it is more commonly used to express an intuitive or spontaneous impression. However, it can also be used in its original sense of expressing possibility, often in negative forms as とは思えない:

I can't think that I would want to live in that country.


思われる is often used in news and reports, and it conveys a strong sense of objectivity.

The man believed to be the culprit was captured on the security camera.

Adverbs of Strong Certainty (必ず/絶対/きっと)

Please make sure to bring your admission ticket on the day of the exam.
I absolutely cannot be late for tomorrow's interview.
It's already late, so I think he's most likely sleeping.

必ず in Partial Negations

Although 必ず cannot be used in negative forms, it can be used in partial negations, often as 必ずしも:

Things don't always work out well.

Making a request

When they are used to make a request, they are all interchangeable, but there are slight differences as follows:

Please make sure to come.
Strong, objective request with an imperative tone
You absolutely must come.
Strong, subjective request with the speaker’s firm persuasion
Please do come, OK?
Strong, subjective request with an encouraging or hopeful tone

ぜひ can also be used for a request in a more humble way.

I would love for you to come.
Subjective request reflecting the speaker’s strong hope


Romaji Hide|Display Default|Add to ▼
noun, adverb
  1. tomorrow
  1. sometime; someday
  1. universe; space
godan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to be displayed (on a screen)
i adjective
  1. skillful; successful (esp. 上手い,巧い)
expression, godan verb (iku/yuku)
  1. to go smoothly
noun, noun, used as a prefix
  1. man; male
godan verb, transitive verb
  1. to think (想う has connotations of heart-felt)
ichidan verb
  1. to seem; to appear likely
godan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to be restricted to; to be limited to
  1. without exception; certainly
  1. (not) always; (not) necessarily (with neg. sentence)
  1. perhaps; may be
  1. because (follows verbs, adjectives)
ichidan verb, transitive verb
  1. to think (about, of)


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Stroke Count
17 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. get dark, gloom, disorder
Kun'yomi: やみ、くら.い。
On'yomi: オン、アン。
Stroke Count
2 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. person
Kun'yomi: ひと、-と、-り。
On'yomi: ニン、ジン。
Stroke Count
3 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. little, small
Kun'yomi: こ、お、ちい.さい、お-、こ-、さ-。
On'yomi: ショウ。
Stroke Count
4 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. now
Kun'yomi: いま。
On'yomi: コン、キン。
Stroke Count
4 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. part, minute of time, segment, share, degree, one's lot, duty, understand, know, rate, 1%, chances, shaku/100
Kun'yomi: わ.け、わ.かつ、わ.かる、わ.ける、わ.かれる。
On'yomi: ブ、フン、ブン。
Stroke Count
4 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. day, sun, Japan, counter for days
Kun'yomi: -か、-び、ひ。
On'yomi: ジツ、ニチ。
Stroke Count
5 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things
Kun'yomi: もと。
On'yomi: ホン。
Stroke Count
7 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. come, due, next, cause, become
Kun'yomi: く.る、き、こ、き.たす、き.たる、きた.す、きた.る。
On'yomi: ライ、タイ。
Stroke Count
7 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. male
Kun'yomi: おとこ、お、み。
On'yomi: ナン、ダン。
Stroke Count
8 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. country
Kun'yomi: くに。
On'yomi: コク。
Stroke Count
13 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. tale, talk
Kun'yomi: はな.す、はなし。
On'yomi: ワ、エ、カ。
Stroke Count
14 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. word, speech, language
Kun'yomi: かた.る、かた.らう。
On'yomi: ゴ、ギョ。
Stroke Count
4 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. negative, non-, bad, ugly, clumsy
On'yomi: ブ、フ、ホチ、フウ、フツ。
Stroke Count
4 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. few, little
Kun'yomi: すく.ない、すこ.し。
On'yomi: ショウ。
Stroke Count
4 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. sentence, literature, style, art, decoration, figures, plan, literary radical (no. 67)
Kun'yomi: ふみ、あや。
On'yomi: モン、ブン。
Stroke Count
6 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. consider, think over
Kun'yomi: かんが.える、かんが.え、たか、ただ、ちか、とし、なか、なる、のり、やす、よし。
On'yomi: コウ。
Stroke Count
6 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. oneself
Kun'yomi: みずか.ら、おの.ずから、より、おの.ずと。
On'yomi: ジ、シ。
Stroke Count
7 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. dwell, reside, live, inhabit
Kun'yomi: す.む、す.まう、ず.まい、すみ、し、-ず.まい。
On'yomi: ジュウ、チュウ、ヂュウ。
Stroke Count
7 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. private, I, me
Kun'yomi: わたくし、わたし、わたくし.する、わし、ひそ.か。
On'yomi: シ。
Stroke Count
8 Strokes
English Meaning
  1. bright, light
Kun'yomi: あか.るい、あき.らか、あ.ける、あけ、-あ.け、あ.く、あ.かす、あ.かり、あ.くる、あか.らむ、あか.るむ。
On'yomi: ミョウ、メイ、ミン。

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